So if you love a good conspiracy, like I do, then you will love this bit of weirdness. As if 2020 couldn't get any stranger, news reports are now coming out about gardeners from all over the globe receiving packages containing strange, "unidentified" seeds from China. The packages are labelled as "ear studs" in order to avoid detection and/or earmarking from customs. Gardeners are claiming that they did not order the seeds, but had in the previous months or earlier in the year ordered seeds via Amazon, Ebay, Walmart,, and other online retailers.

Here is where the story goes down the rabbit hole. Gardeners are claiming that the seeds are not regular plants, emit strange odors, have started growing straight from the package without being germinated or planted, and/or are poisonous. Yes, you read that correct. Gardeners who received these seeds are claiming that the seeds were emitting extremely unpleasant odors, would start growing start out of the package without having been planted or watered, and in some cases were rushed to the hospital after touching and planting the seeds. In one facebook post, an African-American gardener who claimed to receive a package, stated that the seeds looked "melted" so she threw them away and after about a week, the entire trash can "started to smell bad." When she went to investigate the matter, she had found that the seeds had germinated, and looked "like they hatched." She would go on to state that she threw the entire trash can away for fear of the strange seeds.

Many officials are warning gardeners not to plant the seeds as they could possibly be an invasive species of some sort. Damn China! First you give the world the Coronavirus and now you're sending out seeds of death? What is going on - maybe the "trade war" with China is more than a trade war? Maybe World War 3 has started and we just don't realize we're in it. May be, as some have speculated, the Coronavirus was a biological weapon that accidentally, on purpose, escaped from Chinese labs to plague the world and may be China's not done with their attack.
Another person that reported receiving some of the mystery seeds stated that the seeds were "large black seeds" and hundreds of other UK residents claim to have received the same seeds (
Supposed images of these seeds:

As of right now, officials (mainly from the UK as the US news media has remained fairly quite about this) are simply telling those that receive the seeds not to plant them. There has been no news coverage about the strange odor or the strange behavior of the seeds, such discussions have been relegated mainly to online social media platforms and forums, but officials have acknowledged they received "thousands," of complaints and are aware of the issue.
Is this some bizarre marketing campaign to sell Chinese seeds? Was this accident? Are these normal seeds? Is this just some Chinese scam? Or could this possibly be a biological attack?

I have heard stories that Chinese officials were claiming that they believed that the Coronavirus was an attack from the US and UK, implemented on the Chinese to destroy their economy and stifle them during the trade war. Now, it's hard to believe such allegations, as the American economy has also taken a few blows from this pandemic. However, one must note that there have been multiple reports, from legitimate news agencies claiming that there was a link between US labs and the lab in Wuhan, where the Virus supposedly originated. There were also reports linking US scientist and US funding to the very same lab. The Chinese conspirators claimed that the US government released the Coronavirus in Wuhan during a military exercise they had in Wuhan right before the outbreak begun in October of 2019.
Now, one could surmise that if China genuinely believed that the US and their allies were indeed responsible for the viral outbreak that they may want revenge. How about sending invasive death plants to destroy the US/UK agriculture and poison people - that's some good revenge. Honestly, it sounds like a great sci-fi movie that I would enjoy watching on a rainy day.

Some have likened this to the poisonous balloons that Japan wanted to drop over America during WWII.

Others are claiming that the seeds are fake and some are claiming that the seeds are poisonous. A report from the UK suggested that a women was poisoned after planting the "rouge plant seeds."
The article aforementioned, seems to suggest the possibility that the poison is on the seeds themselves, as the gardener in the story planted the seeds, went to go eat and then within hours was sent to the hospital.
Others are claiming that the seeds may not be seeds at all, but eggs. That's right. Some are claiming that the seeds are actually eggs of an invasive insect creature of some sort. Man, where is Scully and Mulder when you need them? This entire story would be an excellent x-files episode.

And just for good measures, it should also be noted that during this 2020 "plan"demic, the US and UK both put restrictions on the purchase of seeds and garden supplies. Many people, even non-gardeners, found the sudden restriction to be extremely strange, as seeds were one of the only items to be specifically banned due to the government labelling them as nonessential. Mind you, at the same time the sell of seeds was being banned, many retailers were still allowed to sell housing decor, electronics, video games, school supplies, pet clothes, toys, leisure items like bicycles and books, and of course alcohol and cigarettes.

Many gardeners at the time were claiming that the government was purposely banning the sell of seeds at the peak of planting season, to purposely hinder people from growing gardens. And now, the same gardeners that ordered seeds online are receiving death seeds that people are claiming will poison you and destroy your garden. How about that for some good conspiracy?
What are these seeds? Is China trolling the US and UK by sending fake seeds or is something very strange going on? Are these seeds just another part of 2020's year of surprise? Or is a silent biological attack, aimed directly at gardeners?

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