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Showing posts from July, 2020

Is July 31st The Beginning of Doomsday?

Unless you're an astrologer, you probably have not heard about the unusual planetary alignment that is coming to a sky near you. Starting July 31st, 2020, until the end of November 2020, Saturn will be crowning, or aligned on top of, Pluto, all in an area of space named Eris. Eris is named after the Greek goddess of strife and discord. Many who concern themselves with the signs in the stars are concerned that such an alignment could be a marker of things to come. As if 2020 has not already been chaotic enough, many astrologers are worried that this new alignment will usher in even more pandemonium. So, why are the signs so concerning? Well, let's look at what it all means.  First you have Saturn, which was the Roman's representation of the Greek god of agriculture named Cronus. Cronus was believed to be another one of the many representations of the Babylonian god, Baal, who was also called Bel, Baal Hammon, and in English, Lord. Baal was, in short, the god of sacrifice. Be

Is The Government Releasing Toxic Gases?

If you haven't heard, there is a rumor going around stating that just as the 2020 "Rona" pandemic was about to begin in the US, the government went on a buying spree, purchasing copious amounts of nitrogen oxides and dioxide and carbon monoxide. Those working in specific industries that required these gases stated that they could not find any available because their vendors were all sold out. When they inquired about how this was possible, they were told by their vendors that the US government had purchased all available supplies. Interestingly enough, the symptoms of nitrogen dioxide and carbon monoxide are very similar to those of  Covid19. Symptoms of nitrogen dioxide poisoning include coughing, especially dry coughs, shortness of breath, fatigue, headache, nausea and vomiting. Nitrogen dioxide exposure can lead to permanent lung injury that can make a person prone to bronchitis, pneumonia, and upper respiratory infections. Symptoms of carbon monoxide include confusion

Are Blacks Being Prepared for Extermination?

From the Tuskegee Experiment to forced sterilizations to current complaints of medical racism, the medical industry has always been problematic for African-Americans. Now with Covid-19 raging through the world, should African-Americans be so readily accepting of the medical and pharmaceutical industries? Here is why African-Americans should be more afraid of the medical and big pharma industries than the virus: 1. The medical establishment never apologized for the Tuskegee Experiment and tried to cover it up. The Tuskegee Experiment occurred from the 1930s to the 1970s, when public health official purposely gave African-American men syphilis and then left them untreated to die. The doctors and medical personnel involved pretended to be help the victims, while they watched the disease progress and spread to their families, even though treatment was available at the time. This experiment lasted for over 40 years and involved hundreds of scientist, medical personnel, including doctors a

Why is Everyone Trying to go to Mars?

If you haven't heard, 2020 is the "Year of Mars." America, Europe, Russia, and China will all be launching spacecrafts this month heading for the Red Planet. Apparently, Mars will be closest to Earth this year at the end of July. Reports state that if the launchings fail and the window is missed, new launching will have to wait until 2022. The goal of the space mission is to carry rover bots to Mars and have the bots collect samples and of course, "look for signs of life." NASA and other media reports claim that the bots should make it to their destination by March of 2021.  All of this sounds great, but one must wonder where all of this focus on Mars comes from. As recent as 2019, most officials were denouncing the idea of more missions to Mars, especially considering we already, supposedly, have multiple rovers there. Many public officials, including President Trump, openly expressed their reluctance to pay for these costly projects that were hard to justify t

Is Kanye West About To Be Suicided or Reprogrammed?

If you haven't heard, Kanye West, the rapper, producer, fashion designer, multi-millionaire, and husband to Kim Kardashian, went on a twitter and social media rant claiming that he was about to be locked up by Kim and her "doctors" and that his life was the real-life, "Get Out" movie.  If you haven't seen the movie Get Out, the movie is basically about mind control, slavery, and black people being totally controlled by their handlers *Spoiler Alert *(i.e. their handlers or slave masters take over their entire minds and body through hypnosis and then brain surgery).  Kanye West is no stranger to making bizarre rants and outburst in public settings. Prior to his original lock up or forced hospital admission in 2016, Kanye West went on a rant at one of his concerts stating that Facebook and Google were lying to people, that he had been isolated from other celebrities and the election was rigged. The rant would go on for nearly 15-minutes.  Shortly after the ran