If you haven't heard, Lebanon, a small country in the middle east bordering Syria and Israel, experienced a massive explosion that has so far left more than 300 people confirmed dead, and thousands of more missing and injured. The explosion has also left Lebanon's capital city and major port and trade and commerce area, Beirut, completely flattened and devastated. The news is already reporting that the explosion was most likely caused by the detonation of ammonium nitrate storage tanks that were being stored at the port. The nitrates were being brought in to the port to be sold as fertilizer, and some are claiming that the ignition of these nitrates caused the massive explosion. However, here is why I believe there may be more going on than what the mainstream media is willing to report:

1. There is no word about what type of detonation, outside of a bomb, could have ignited the storage tanks, if there were storage tanks, and cause this magnitude of damage. Based on reports given by CNN, the massive explosion caused a huge mushroom cloud, similar to those seen from a bomb detonation. The explosion also flipped cars, was registered as a magnitude 3 earthquake, damaged buildings hundreds of miles away from the port, and could felt as far as Cyprus. Even if there was a large storage tank full of explosive ammonium nitrate, it should still be questioned what kind of force could ignite that storage tank without any warning, without any alarms going off, and in a blink of an eye, completely level an entire port.
Picture of the port prior to the explosion:

Picture of the port after the explosion:

2. Lebanon is an important area for the middle east. With its important location centered directly between Israel to the south and Syria to the north, there are many nations that have a vested interest in controlling the small country. Lebanon's ports also act as a gateway between Europe and the middle east. As such, this area brought in a large amount of economic activity and growth into the area. Currently, the Lebanon government is reporting that the damage to the port could cost anywhere from 4 to 10 billion dollars.

3. Insiders have warned that the US and allies were going to invade Lebanon, along with other middle eastern nations. Aaron Russo, was a well connected businessman, director, film producer, political activist and insider who was friends with Rockefeller and Rothschild members. Russo warned US citizen that the US wanted to fake an incident to justify invading the middle east, in order to gain control over the area and all major oil reserves. Shortly after disclosing this information, Russo would die from cancer. Like Russo, General Wesley Clark, also warned that he was told that America would invade Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Sudan and other middle eastern nations. Is this explosion the preamble leading to the invasion or is this the invasion that numerous insiders warned us about?
The discussion starts at 1:30 mark.
4. Lebanon has a long history of conflict with the US and Israel. Lebanon is often called the "key" to dictating middle eastern policies. Due to Lebanon's strong influence in the middle east, America and Israel have both constantly tampered with Lebanon's politics through the covert support of unpopular, but American favored political leaders and attempts to remove less favorable, but democratically elected leaders. The US also supported Israel's attacks against Lebanon, leading to further resentment between Lebanon, US, and Israel.
It should also be noted that just prior to this possible attack, many political advisers were warning that Lebanon's crippling economy, that they were blaming on US sanctions due to issues between Lebanon and Israel and their Hezbollah leadership, was leading to a dangerous alliance between Lebanon and Iran. Many of these political advisers were stating that the US should do everything possible to prevent that alliance, especially for Israel's sake. The explosion would happen one month after these reports were issued.

Many modern historians have stated that the days of overt warfare are over and all current and future wars will be hidden, covert wars that take place just outside of the public's scrutiny. The future wars will no longer include troops of men marching though valleys, but will include false flags, staged events, political and economic sabotages, rigged elections, stealth bombings, silent biological attacks, and mass confusion. So, one must wonder will this explosion lead to war or is it war already?
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